DIY Window Cleaning: Vinegar as Your Secret Weapon

Many homeowners wonder, "Can you clean windows with vinegar?" The short answer is absolutely! Vinegar has long been a go-to for natural cleaning solutions. Mixed with ingredients like water, salt, and lemon, it can combat the toughest of window grime, leaving a streak-free shine. Let's dive deeper into this cost-effective and eco-friendly window cleaning method.

Benefits of Using Vinegar for Window Cleaning 

Vinegar, a staple in many kitchens, offers a plethora of cleaning benefits. Its acidic nature breaks down stains and cuts through dirt. Moreover, unlike ammonia or alcohol-based products, it doesn't leave behind any harmful chemicals. Thus, ensuring your glass surfaces stay pristine and free of streaks.


Vinegar is biodegradable and non-toxic, making it a preferred choice for many eco-conscious households.


Most of us already have vinegar in our kitchen. It eliminates the need for buying chemical-laden window cleaners.

Window cleaning

DIY Vinegar Window Cleaning Solution Recipe


  • Vinegar (2 cups)
  • Water (2 cups)
  • Lemon essential oil (5-10 drops, optional for fragrance)
  • A dash of salt (for extra scrubbing power)


  1. Mix the water and vinegar in a spray bottle. This mixture serves as your primary window-cleaning solution.
  2. Add lemon essential oil drops for a pleasant aroma and additional grease-fighting power.
  3. Introduce a small amount of salt to aid in scrubbing stubborn spots.

Tips for Effective Window Cleaning Using Vinegar

Selecting the Right Tools 

While the vinegar solution is the star, tools play a vital role. Microfiber cloths, a drill brush, a squeegee, or even a sponge can be more effective than paper towels. They prevent lint deposits and ensure a streak-free finish.

Preparing Your Window 

Before applying the vinegar solution, remove dust and debris from your window tracks and frames using a brush. If your window has screens, a gentle scrub with water and dish soap will remove accumulated dirt.

Cleaning Process

  1. Spray the vinegar solution generously on the window glass.
  2. Use your microfiber cloth or sponge to scrub away dirt and grime.
  3. Wipe off the solution using a squeegee. Start from the top and work your way to the bottom for best results.
  4. For persistent spots, a mixture of baking soda and vinegar can act as a powerful scrub.

Window cleaning

Additional Notes

  • For heavily soiled windows, you can adjust the amount of vinegar in your solution for added strength.
  • If you're averse to the scent of vinegar, the essential oil masks it effectively.
  • Remember to clean your window sills and tracks regularly. A mixture of dishwashing liquid and water with a toothbrush can be handy.
  • Avoid cleaning windows in direct sunlight. The solution may dry too quickly, leading to streaks.

Care Tips for Longer-Lasting Window Cleanliness

Regular Maintenance

Frequent cleaning can prevent the build-up of dirt, dust, and grime. Aim for a routine clean-up every month or at least once in two months. This ensures that dirt and spots don't become too stubborn to remove.

Protecting Your Windows

Window screens aren't just for keeping bugs out. They also act as a first line of defense against dirt, debris, and other contaminants. Ensure they are always intact and clean. Also, during rainy seasons, make sure the window tracks have no blockage to prevent waterlogging and mold.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Using Too Much Product

Whether it's the vinegar solution, dish soap, or even essential oil, less is often more. Overusing products won't necessarily give cleaner windows and might leave residues or films.

Cleaning in Direct Sunlight

As mentioned earlier, the sun can cause your cleaning solution to evaporate quickly, which can leave streaks. It's best to clean during the early morning or late afternoon when the sun isn't at its peak.

Benefits Beyond the Glass

The vinegar solution isn't just for windows. You can use it on other glass surfaces around the house, like mirrors, glass doors, and even glass tables. Furthermore, the mixture also serves as a fantastic cleaner for kitchen counters and bathroom tiles. Read more About: "Best Tile Cleaner"


Cleaning windows doesn't have to be a daunting task, nor does it require harmful chemicals. With a simple vinegar solution, the right tools, and the above tips, your windows will sparkle like never before. So the next time someone asks, "Can you clean windows with vinegar?" you'll know the answer and the best way to do it. Thanks for trusting our information, and we hope this article makes your window-cleaning endeavors a breeze!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there types of dirt or stains that vinegar can't handle? 

For hard water stains or paint splatters, you might need specialized cleaners.

How can I prevent my windows from fogging up in winter? 

Regular cleaning and ensuring good indoor ventilation can help.

What if my windows are extremely dirty? 

Consider a preliminary wash with soap and water before using the vinegar solution.

